
Game show gauntlet quest fallout shelter lose your head
Game show gauntlet quest fallout shelter lose your head

  • 2x found by the giant carp skeleton with worms on it at the bottom of the body of water. Diving is required.
  • 3x found in a small sunken house beneath the area's main body of water. Diving is required.
  • 7x found from Treasure Carps in the area's main body of water.
  • 3x found in a room accessed by a cracked floor and underwater route also contains Water of the Palace.
  • 5x found by giving the Mibu Village priest Water of the Palace, then reloading the area to find him transformed into an enemy which will drop the scales upon being killed.
  • 1x found from a Treasure Carp found in Mibu Village river near the bridge.
  • 1x found below the Mibu Village idol guarded by a Ministry Shinobi.
  • 2x sold by Exiled Memorial Mob for 500 sen each.
  • 1x found from a pickup in the lake near the Riven Cave Sculptor's Idol. Diving is required.
  • 2x found from Treasure Carps found in a lake near the Riven Cave Sculptor's Idol.
  • 2x found from Treasure Carps in the lake near the Temple Grounds Sculptor's Idol.
  • Diving is required (only spawns once Ashina Castle is attacked)
  • 1x found as a pickup in the castle moat beneath the idol.
  • Diving is required (only spawns once Ashina Castle is attacked)

    game show gauntlet quest fallout shelter lose your head

    1x found from a Treasure Carp in the castle moat.2x found from Treasure Carp past Bamboo Thicket Sculptor's Idol in the lake underneath the bridge with the large enemy.1x found on the riverbank to the left of the bridge before crossing.One of them can be killed easily from land with the Loaded Spear, otherwise Diving is recommended (check the tips at the bottom of the page for how to kill them with the sword without Diving). 2x found from two different Treasure Carps in the same lake.1x found from a Treasure Carp swimming to the right side of the bridge, near the Pot Noble Harunaga.

    game show gauntlet quest fallout shelter lose your head

  • 1x found from a Treasure Carp swimming below the bridge.
  • There are 42 total Scales in the game, while buying all items in the first NG cycle requires just 40.
  • Found most commonly by killing Treasure Carp.
  • Currency for items sold by Pot Noble Harunaga and Pot Noble Koremori.
  • It is used to purchase items from the vendors "Pot Noble Harunaga" and "Pot Noble Koremori".

    game show gauntlet quest fallout shelter lose your head

    Treasure Carp Scale is a Key Item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. For this reason, collecting them could be worthwhile. To the average person it is just a beautiful scale.īut there are some who exalt a certain "master", who consider these scales among the most precious things in the world.

    Game show gauntlet quest fallout shelter lose your head